Indoor Air Quality Articles

What Are Zone Control Systems?

May 15, 2024
a smiling Asian female embracing her mother while they are looking away.

Take some of the following ideas from our professionals at TNT Heating & Air to heart and make some money-saving resolutions today.

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What Does Indoor Air Quality Have to Do With Allergies?

April 8, 2024
Sick little schoolgirl coughs and blows nose wiping with white paper napkin.

Did you know the average American spends nearly 90 percent of life indoors? That’s why it is increasingly important to ensure indoor air quality (IAQ) is clean and healthy.

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What Does Indoor Air Quality Have to Do With Allergies?

August 8, 2023
Sick little schoolgirl coughs and blows nose wiping with white paper napkin.

Our team at TNT Heating and Air wants to help keep your home’s indoor air quality high and you and your family healthy and comfortable.

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What to Know About Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

April 17, 2023
What to Know About Carbon Monoxide Poisoning? Photo of a carbon monoxide detector in home.

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is known as the silent killer for a reason—it can easily go undetected and cause illness and even death. It’s critical to learn how to prevent carbon monoxide leaks in your North Myrtle Beach home—as well as what the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are in case you are exposed.

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Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important?

January 12, 2023
A dehumidifier on a white background. Why Is a Home Dehumidifier Important?

Our professionals at TNT Heating & Air want to provide you with the information to create a healthy, comfortable environment for you and your family.

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How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?

May 18, 2022
How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?

Indoor humidity is a drag. It makes relaxing extremely difficult—after all, you are sweating inside your home! It can affect your health, triggering asthma attacks and flaring allergies. It tends to put everyone in a sluggish mood—even the goldfish. Let’s zap that excess moisture right out of the room, and look at ways to manage your South Carolina home’s relative indoor humidity.

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The Basics of Winter Indoor Air Quality

December 16, 2021
the basics of winter indoor air quality

In the winter, being snug as a bug in a rug in your home can be cozy, but it can also play havoc with your indoor air quality (IAQ) here in North Carolina, creating some significant health problems. At TNT Heating & Air, we recommend taking precautions to avoid the common issues associated with winter indoor air quality.

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